It consists in purposeful training of students in practical skills of care for surgical patients, mastering the techniques of the most important surgical manipulations, knowledge of the main surgical diseases of their diagnosis, treatment in direct con-tact with patients and in collaboration with medical personnel.
The requirements of teachers for students are based on the general principles ofhigh school education. A student who is 15 minutes late is not allowed to study.
A student works a lesson for 2 hours, if the lesson according to the plan is 2 hours,and a lesson is fulfilled within 1 hour, if the lesson according to the plan is 1 hour. Missin class recovery includes:
- work in the department during 2/3 of the practical training volume;
- oral survey, responsible teachers on the missed topic.
The exam is not allowed to students who have unearned misses practical training,IWS. The term of work to the end of the semester. If during the exam a student isfound to have a cell phone or a cheat sheet, the student is given an unsatisfactory mark for the exam "0" points.
- Преподаватель: Тимур Сулейменов